

When milkadamia declares Moo is Moot, we are voicing the opinion of the millions who have switched out dairy foods from their diets.


It’s R Choice

澳洲10开奖视频记录 历史号码查询 168正规官网开奖网站 Good for the birds, the bees, the trees, the soil, people, and the planet. It’s R choice to farm, cook and live in a way that supports the earth and all that share it.


Artful tastes

Plant-based, vegan, keto, flexitarian, use our buttery spreads, beverages, and latte da to create, craft and indulge in definitely delicious recipes.


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For millennia the trees were drinking the warm Australian sunlight through their leaves, wicking up moisture in the rainforest and quietly perfecting the macadamia. How exciting to see this nutrient-dense miracle exploding into the global wellness narrative.  We realize now that Macadamia deliciousness was just the invitation – their amazing healthiness is the party.


Learn about all our products


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